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Speech and Language Therapy

The Speech Therapy Department consists of a team of certified speech-language therapists whose training and practice includes assessing, planning, and implementing speech-language therapy programs for students with communication needs and feeding concerns.  Speech-language therapy services are provided in individual, or group, sessions within a variety of settings throughout the school, community or supported employment settings. The student's Individualized Education Plan (IEP) provides the direction for the particular services that will be implemented throughout the year and during the Extended Year Program. Additionally, each speech-language therapist works collaboratively with parents, teachers, classroom staff, nursing, occupational therapists and physical therapists to promote the highest level of communication for each student.  Students are provided with opportunities to use current technology in the field of Alternative/Augmentative Communication including, but not limited to, iPads; wireless switches; and Bluetooth accessible switches.  Mealtime management and dysphagia treatment programs are available to students who require assistance with eating, drinking or advancing their variety of foods or textures in following the collaborative model.   

At PRDS speech therapists:

  • Develop and conduct individualized treatment plans
  • Address expressive, receptive, and pragmatic language skills\
  • Collaborate with other professionals to create functional therapy plans for students
  • Address complex communication needs by utilizing Alternative Augmentative Communication (AAC) systems such as PECS and voice output devices to provide students the opportunity to be independent communicators
  • Create and implement feeding plans
  • Assist in sensory integration skills as it relates to feeding and mealtime
  • Generalization of learned language skills into the community with community education trips