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Educational Resources & Policies

Effective September 1, 2013, each school in the Educational Services Commission of New Jersey will have an Anti-Bullying Specialist and a School Climate Team to assist the school in the successful execution of the ESCNJ's harassment, intimidation, and bullying policy.  The Anti-Bullying Specialist and the School Climate Team work to ensure a safe learning environment within the school setting and to foster a positive school climate.  

The Anti-Bullying District Coordinator for ESCNJ is Assistant Superintendent Gary Molenaar.  Our Anti-Bullying Specialist at the Piscataway Regional Day School is Debbie Bussiere.  If you have questions or concerns regarding the harassment, intimidation, and bullying policy, you may contact Debbie Bussiere via below:

Anti-Bullying Specialist:
Debbie Bussiere